How to keep the washing machine clean

The washing machine is the household appliance par excellence, like the TV and the refrigerator, which has changed the lives of families. Since the end of the Second World War, the washing machine has entered each of us’ homes, quickly becoming an indispensable tool for washing fabrics. Since then, the manufacturing companies have made great strides, reaching today the possibility of controlling a washing program even with a smartphone.

The purpose has never changed, and the owners’ needs have remained the same: to understand how to do a good wash and keep the washing machine clean always to obtain fresh and fragrant laundry. Precisely for this reason, it is necessary to adopt some good rules that you can read in this simple guide.

Needed: Water, cider vinegar.

First, your washing machine needs regular cleaning to prevent mold and odors from forming. The first precaution that you must have is to leave the door open when it is not in operation. In this way, you will favor the absorption of the drops of water left after washing.

Subsequently, check the loading and unloading filters monthly and ensure that they are immaculate and free from limescale residues. Also, check the rubber seals of the basket closure; the water that stagnates inside can cause mold.

Afterward, always clean the detergent and fabric softener compartments. From time to time, perform a vacuum wash at maximum temperature. It is an essential operation to be performed, so much so that, very often, it is also indicated in the maintenance booklet among the operations to be performed monthly.

In this way, you will be able to dissolve even the most stubborn encrustations. Also, don’t forget the biggest enemy of washing machines: limescale.

There are numerous specific products on the market, but if you wanted to choose a low-cost and organic one, you could certainly use cider vinegar. Just pour a glass into the tub and one into the basket before vacuum washing.

Finally, avoid too strong vinegar because they also tend to corrode the metal parts, such as the basket itself. Occasionally, make sure that any residual washing water left in the washing machine flows into the drain hose and checks that the water one is not clogged.

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