
How to decorate the house with carpets without errors

Decorating an apartment with carpet can be relaxing and, at the same time, ” hard. ” To use these extraordinarily useful and practical utensils seems simple, but only after buying, we truly realize our needs in the various rooms of our house.

We must understand how we are more comfortable, and our habits of buying some carpets made, especially for us without making mistakes. Also, our taste is an added value.

A carpet, with a little fantasy, and especially with a little attention, can change within seconds the look of a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, a hallway, or above an entrance. In addition to decorating, the carpets have a specific function, as you can see this clearly with the classic ” double-down ” that welcomes you, warm and soft under her bare feet, barely awake. In the hallway, it is purely aesthetic and endeavors little.

In the bathroom, it is almost ” mandatory ” and serves slip, then an aesthetic level. There are different types and patterns of colors. The kitchen usually uses non-slip in front of a linear kitchen to stop the crumbs and dirt that will be sucked with the vacuum cleaner. Instead, outside the apartment (practically mandatory) to wipe your shoes and inside, always depends on an aesthetic.

The carpets are also a major cause of domestic accidents, especially when they are placed in areas of a high transition house: near the doors, in front of the sofa, (etc.).

Please do not take rugs that do not adhere perfectly to the surface on which you want to put them or that bend easily by creating the ” ears ” that hinder your feet on the path.

Finally, you have the easiest carpets to be cleaned (small and not too delicate) near the door, where notoriously the carpets get dirty more, so as not to have to work harder to get them back clean. The other rooms choose the fantasy that you want more, and that suits you since there really are millions and millions of different species according to the plot carpets, color, shape, size, and material, in your tastefully decorated and enjoy your home and feel at ease in every room.

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