House Cleaning

How to Cancel a Program set on the Washing Machine

Most of the newer washing machines are equipped with specific functions that allow you to run a certain washing program depending on the color and type of fabric of the garments to be washed. Different garments may require different washing methods; the need arises to modify a previously set program. While the undo and reset process may differ for some brands, most brands have simple and common methods. So let’s see how to cancel a program set on the washing machine.

Delicate items

Today’s washing machines are no longer like they used to be because technology is making great strides and every function has been modernized and improved. However, it is essential to respect the right programming when washing delicate, colored, light or particular garments. There is the risk of discoloring the garments or damaging them irreparably.


For example, if you set too high a shade for woolen or delicate items, there is a risk of destroying the fabric, making it completely felted. On the other hand, you have noticed that you have put a white garment together with colored clothes.

The white will certainly lose its luster and become permanently discolored without any possibility of recovering it. To fix all these mistakes, whether due to distractions or the initial inability to use the washing machine, you can cancel the program by saving your garment in time.

Pumping or wringing

What you have to do is temporarily interrupt the washing cycle after turning off the washing machine. Obviously, the machine’s door will not open immediately, but you will have to wait about 5-6 minutes to allow time for the water to drain through the ducts of the drum.

The washing machine door opens only if the water level inside is shallow; in extreme cases, you can still use the water pumping program or the wringing program if your washing machine is equipped with it.

Correct washing

Take out the garment you want to recover from the washing machine, close the door, and set the wash again according to the desired modes. If you have a slightly dated washing machine at home, to cancel the latter’s setting, you can force the door to open a little (always after turning off the washing machine), remove the garment you want to remove, and reset the wash correct.

Note: To avoid having to cancel a program that has already been set, pay attention to the items you put in the washing machine (fabric, color, delicacy, etc.).

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