House Cleaning

How to clean the handles of kitchen doors

A lot of dirt often accumulates on the handles of kitchen doors over the years. Whenever you have to open a door or a drawer, you tend to leave dirt and greasy oils of all kinds on the doors’ handles and knobs. With time, all these elements tend to remove shine, discoloring them, and ruining the external appearance of your furniture.

To avoid extraordinary maintenance, the handles should be cleaned periodically to prevent dirt from becoming too encrusted on their surface. Read the following guide to find out how to clean the kitchen door handles immediately and naturally.

Needed: Lemon peels, White vinegar, Special degreasing products.

The ideal would be to disassemble the kitchen doors’ handles completely to carry out a cleaning worthy of the name. In this way, you could wash them at 360 degrees quickly and effectively. Alternatively, you can also do it while they are mounted, but some parts may be more difficult to reach.

To wash the handles naturally, take some lemon peels, and follow the following procedures: cut the peel as thinly as possible and put it in a bowl with hot water. The thinner your skin is cut, the better it will spread in the water. Please wait until the water becomes lukewarm, dip a sponge in it, and then rub it on the handles. This procedure will clean them of various bacteria and dirt.

If the previous procedure did not work or is currently impossible for you to implement, you can alternatively try white vinegar. For this procedure, all you have to do is get white vinegar. No matter the brand, anyone is more than good.

To prepare the solution, you will need to put two parts of vinegar and one water part. Then subsequently pour it into a spray vaporizer. You can buy it or reuse it from the old detergents, and then spray it on the handles, let it act for a few minutes, and then rub with a soft sponge to remove the dirt.

If you do not have the spray, you can immerse the sponge in the water and vinegar solution and then pass it on the handles of the doors.

If the methods described above have not worked, you will have to opt for more aggressive products to buy in any shopping center. Always create a water solution and the product you purchased. For the dosages, follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s packaging, immerse us in it and let your handles soak for about ten minutes.

Then take them out one by one, cleaning them with a soft sponge and rinsing them. Finally, put the handles back on the kitchen doors, and you’re done.

Note: If you can disassemble the handles for a more thorough cleaning.

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