House Cleaning

How to eliminate the smell of food in the air naturally

Household chores are an integral and essential part of the care needed to maintain our home health. All these activities cost us a lot of effort and a lot of time, and despite the level of attention paid, they will have to be repeated without fail. It looks like a big job!

But the climax of frustration is reached when, after having given all our energy to wash, dust, arrange the laundry in the air, there remains a strong and persistent smell: the smell of food.

Air fresheners represent a remedy, but they are always chemicals that, in the long run, can harm health, not to mention that often these products simply cover the smell of food with their perfume, effectively hiding the problem.

Why not get a similar result using natural means and methods then? In this article, we will show you how to eliminate the smell of food in the air naturally.

First, open all the windows that are located near the source of the bad smell. In the meantime, close the doors that connect the kitchen to the other rooms. By doing this, you will air the room without the smell spreading elsewhere. If you have a fan, turn it on: to speed up air circulation. Create drafts to eliminate odor faster.

Most of the food smell should have disappeared by now; if you do not eliminate this odor’s source, you will not solve the problem. Identify the source of the bad smell: depending on its nature, you will have to apply different methods.

For example, if it is a burning smell coming from the microwave, you can use a baking soda bowl to be inserted inside the same. Leave on overnight: it should have completely absorbed the burning smell.

After having cleaned the source of the bad smell naturally, you just have to take some precautions that will allow you to prevent similar future situations.

Let’s take the microwave example one more time after cleaning the walls with hot water and baking soda. Place a slice of lemon or orange inside the oven: the smell released by citrus fruits should keep bad smells from burning at bay. Let them act for a day at most. After this time, they will lose their effectiveness.

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