House Cleaning

How to Quickly Clean the Sink Drain

A clogged sink is a fairly common problem in most homes. It shouldn’t happen too often, but when it does, it creates discomfort as the water drains slowly or stays in the sink in the worst case. Most of the time, to solve the problem promptly, a plumber is required.

It is possible to avoid spending money since it is relatively simple and affordable for anyone. In addition, some natural ingredients are easily available in the kitchen, and some basic tools are enough. So let’s see how to clean the sink drain quickly.

Needed: Uncork sinks, Rubber gloves, Salt, Baking Soda, Vinegar, Hot water.

Before waiting for the sink to clog up permanently, the first precaution to use is routine maintenance so that the drains are always free. It is always necessary to have a screen or a plug for the drainage, which serves as a filter and blocks the larger impurities.

In the bathroom sink, the danger is hair; in the kitchen sink, food residues. So it would also be a good idea to do a periodic wash at least once every two weeks, with baking soda and plenty of hot water. This will help dissolve any buildup of dirt before they block the normal flow of water.

But what to do when the sink is really clogged? The first method involves the use of elbow grease. We arm ourselves with the sink plunger, the suction cup tool that can find on the market in every hardware store, and in the supermarket, in the household department.

A small trick to make the suction cup adhere better is to spread a little vaseline on its edges. Then, it is placed on the drain and repeatedly pulled towards you after having given a push-down. Should perform the movement 3-4 times, and then the suction cup is pulled away. This way, the dirt will come out. You may need to repeat this step several times.

The second method consists of pouring some substances into the drain to remove the clogged dirt. This could also be a preliminary step to using the sink plunger in the most difficult cases; it may be sufficient to restore the drain’s functionality in other cases.

Instead of using chemicals, you can use products that are present in the home. For example, an emulsion of hot water, salt, vinegar, salt, and bicarbonate can be very effective. In any case, it is always useful to run boiling water, which triggers the chemical reaction.

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