House Cleaning

Tips for removing moths from wool

If you have pillows or mattresses with wool inside at home, it is important to know that moths could also nest in addition to mites. This inconvenience represents a serious problem not so much for your health, but precisely because of the risk of finding the padding considerably lightened and above all the pillowcases full of these animals.

Here is a list with some tips on how to get rid of moths from wool.

Wash the wool with baking soda

A first remedy is to wash the wool entirely in boiling water and baking soda, perhaps adding a few white vinegar drops. After leaving it to soak for about half an hour, rinse it thoroughly and then let it dry in the sun before placing it back in the pillowcases.

Use mentholated talc

Almost all insects do not like the scent emanating from natural essences; among these, a very effective one for eliminating moths from wool is based on peppermint. In this case, to optimize the result, it is advisable to use mentholated talc to be sold in pharmacies, impregnated in the wool. Also, it releases a pleasant aroma that serves to keep insects, mites, and moths away forever.

Wash the wool with alcohol

If a lot of moths have irremediably invaded your cushions, then you should use a substance that, in addition to purifying and washing the wool, also destroys the same unwanted guests who have settled there. Alcohol, i.e., denatured and commonly used alcohol, is an excellent solution to solve the problem upstream.

Use lavender essential oil.

Still, concerning essential oils, it is worth emphasizing that nature gives us one which, in addition to being fragrant and antibacterial, is also very effective in eliminating moths from wool. In this case, use it in the pillowcases, wrap them for at least a couple of days, and then beat the wool to get it clean again and free from these tiny and harmful insects.

Soak the wool in salt and vinegar

Another natural product that can be very effective in permanently eliminating moths from the wool of mattresses and pillows is a mix based on coarse salt and vinegar. By soaking the wool in this mixture for about a couple of hours, a little rinse is enough to allow it to dry well in the sun. Once this is done, the wool can be inserted back into the pillowcases with the certainty of having it clean, and above all, definitively free from the hated moths.

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